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Bridging the Gap: Connecting Agribusiness Traditions with Modern Agribusiness Marketing

Laura Sutherly • Jul 01, 2024

The agribusiness industry has come a long way from humble beginnings thousands of years ago. But beneath the modern machinery and new technologies, there remains a rich sense of tradition of the time-tested practices, customs, and cultural elements that shape how we grow food.

Connecting Traditions with Modern Marketing

Some may question the role these traditions might play when creating a modern marketing strategy. But, the truth is that you can develop a powerful brand image by bridging the gap between the two.

We'll explore some of the most long-standing agribusiness traditions and how to integrate these practices into your marketing strategy. 

By the end of this blog, you'll have everything you need to build a brand that honors your heritage while resonating with today's audience. Get ready to cultivate a thriving agribusiness rooted in tradition!

Agribusiness traditions

Some of the richest agribusiness traditions include: 

  • A focus on family: Family-owned agribusinesses are the heart and soul of the industry, from farms to seed suppliers and equipment dealers. Spanning generations, these businesses have a deep sense of heritage and dedication to the land.
  • Collaboration with other brands: For a long time, agribusinesses have thrived on working together. Traditional companies would join cooperatives to share resources, swap knowledge, and market their products more effectively. 
  • Knowledge sharing: Knowledge sharing has always been integral to agribusinesses, from apprenticeships in family businesses to workshops and agricultural fairs. 
  • Community involvement: Agriculture businesses have participated in community initiatives and supported local causes for generations. This involvement strengthened their bonds with locals and showed how much they cared about the broader community.
  • Sustainability practices: Although sustainability is now a buzzword in the industry, many ag businesses have prioritized and advocated it for decades. To protect the environment and ensure long-term viability, traditional agribusiness practices include organic farming, integrated pest management, water conservation, soil health improvement, and more.

Connecting agribusiness traditions with modern marketing 

Your agribusiness can effectively blend these traditions with modern marketing practices through: 

Storytelling and branding

Storytelling and branding are the perfect way to use traditional agriculture practices to market your businesses to modern customers. Here's how:

1. Highlight family-owned tradition

Does your agribusiness have deep roots? Share your family history on your website, social media, and marketing materials to let it shine. 

By sharing your legacy, you connect with customers on a deeper level. They'll see the dedication behind your products and a commitment to quality nurtured for generations.

2. Showcase collaborations

If you haven't already, explore potential collaborations that align with your values and goals. Once you've partnered with local cooperatives and businesses, highlight it in your marketing efforts. 

Share real stories about how these partnerships have helped you improve the quality of your products or services.

3. Get involved in your local community

Support local events and volunteer your time. These authentic connections build trust with customers who appreciate your values, cultivating customer loyalty for your agribusiness.

4. Prioritize sustainability practices

Promoting your ag business's sustainable practices in your marketing can help you win the hearts of environmentally-conscious customers. 

Whether you’re developing energy-efficient machinery and equipment or working towards improving water and energy conservation, make sure this is something you’re highlighting front and center.

Create a digital marketing strategy 

The digital age offers powerful tools to blend traditional agricultural business practices with modern marketing. Here's how:

  • Create a website: Develop a professional agribusiness website that serves as a central hub for your company. Include information about your products and services, company history, contact details, and customer testimonials.
  • Become a thought leader: Publish informative blog posts about agriculture, sustainability practices, and industry insights. Position yourself as a trusted resource for valuable information.
  • Share user-generated content: Encourage user-generated content from customers, cooperatives, and community members. Each customer review, cooperative testimonial, and community social media post fosters authenticity and builds a stronger online presence.
  • Use social media: Engage with audiences on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Share captivating stories about the people behind your business, daily operations, seasonal activities, and community involvement.
  • Email marketing campaigns: Email newsletters inform customers about product offerings, upcoming events, community projects, and new partnerships.
  • Video content: Create engaging videos showcasing farm activities, product demonstrations, or behind-the-scenes glimpses of daily life to make the audience feel like part of your business’s story.
  • Webinars and online workshops: Host webinars or workshops on agriculture, sustainability practices, or farm-to-table initiatives to position yourself as an expert and share your knowledge.

Focus on local SEO 

Reach potential customers in your community by using local search engine optimization (SEO). This will help your business appear in local search results when people search for the products or services you offer. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Keywords: Use local keywords in your website content that reflect what local customers might search for.
  • Google Business Profile: Create or optimize your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) with accurate business information and high-quality photos.
  • Local content: Create content about local agricultural topics and events to engage local audiences.
  • Customer reviews: Encourage positive reviews on Google and other platforms to improve your visibility and make your business appear more credible.
  • Local links: Build relationships for local backlinks from reputable sources to boost your website's authority.
  • Local directories: List your business accurately in local directories to reap the benefits of local SEO.

Create a customer loyalty program

Customers love to feel appreciated and valued. An excellent way to show your gratitude to repeat customers is creating a customer loyalty program. It boosts engagement and builds lasting relationships with customers in your community. Here's what you need to do:

  • Define goals: Be clear about the purpose of your loyalty program. Is it to increase repeat purchases, improve retention, or boost community engagement?
  • Choose relevant rewards: Offer personalized discounts, exclusive access, and loyalty points as perks for your customers.
  • Personalize: Customize rewards based on individual purchase history to make rewards more personal. 
  • Communicate effectively: Use email, social media, and in-store channels to announce offers and program updates.

Key takeaway 

Blending agribusiness traditions with modern marketing practices honors your heritage and builds a strong brand. Use storytelling, community involvement, sustainability practices, and digital strategies to connect deeply with customers and cultivate loyalty. These approaches help differentiate your business and forge meaningful connections with your audience.

Bridge the gap with Agtivation!

Transform your ag business with Agtivation's digital marketing services tailored for brands in the agribusiness sector. We’re here to help you effortlessly blend traditional agri practices with modern approaches. 

Whether it's crafting captivating stories, creating dynamic websites, managing impactful social media, or launching targeted email campaigns, we specialize in improving your online presence while honoring your agribusiness roots. 

Contact us today to discover how we can amplify your brand's narrative to engage your target audience and win new customers.

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